I am trying to find any Angeletos relatives in or from Kosmas, Arcadia, Peloponnese, Greece. I only have 1844 George Angeletos, George Nikolas, Elefterios 1912. Also Christos & Susanna Aglamisis. This is my husbands(Panagiotis Angeletos) family and I’m trying to find him some info that is so hard to find. Any help would be appreciated.
My husband Panagiotis did, and his moms 2brothers and 1 sister did. His mom Elena Apolodemis is still alive at 99years old and lives in Athens. We don’t know about any others on Angeletos side. They seem to have vanished. We were in Kosmas 15 years go and I think their was one young man but don’t remember what side of family he belonged to. They say some might have come to U.S. but don’t really know. Elefterios Angeletos was born about 1912( My husbands dad.)
His mother we have information on, Apolodemis, it’s his dad’s side born in Kosmas. Angeletos. We were told by his mom all the records like birth certificate, ect. was burned when Germans bombed church. Someone else said it was school that was burnt down. That’s what I’m dealing with. My husband was not born there only his father, mom, grandfather’s. All Kosmas!